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The h-index is a simple way to measure the impact of your work and other peoples' research.It does this by looking at the number of highly impactful publications a researcher has published. The higher the number of cited publications, the higher the h-index, regardless of which journal the work was published in. How is the h-index calculated on ResearchGate? What is h-index. The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist’s most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.

H index

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Pure (MD Anderson Faculty and Fellows listed) Keep in mind that different databases will give different values for the h-index. h-indeksi on Jorge Hirschin vuonna 2005 esittelemä kvantitatiivinen mitta, jolla pyritään mittaamaan samanaikaisesti yksittäisen tutkijan julkaisutehokkuutta ja tuotettujen julkaisujen merkittävyyttä. Indeksiä kutsutaan joskus kehittäjänsä mukaan myös Hirschin luvuksi tai Hirschin indeksiksi. The h-index captures research output based on the total number of publications and the total number of citations to those works, providing a focused snapshot of an individual’s research performance. Example: If a researcher has 15 papers, each of which has at least 15 citations, their h-index is 15. Useful For. 1. The h-index includes citations back to 1970, a result of our Cited Reference Expansion Program.

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H-index baserat på citeringar i Google Scholar kan fås fram på två sätt:. Från en Google Scholar Citations-användarprofil ; Genom att beräkna h-index med gratisprogrammet Publish or Perish The h-index is a simple way to measure the impact of your work and other peoples' research.

H index

Vad är h-index? – Erik Lundströms hemsida

H index

The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles in that publication were cited at least h times each.

H index

h-index - en indikator som beskriver antalet citeringar i förhållande till antalet SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) - indikerar om tidskriften indexeras av  CH Häll, H Andersson, JT Lundgren, P Värbrand. Public Transport 1 (1), 39-54, 2009. 55, 2009. The integrated dial-a-ride problem with timetabled fixed route  T Dahlberg, T Stangner, H Zhang, K Wiklund, P Lundberg, L Edman, Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-10, 2018.
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The Web of Science uses the H-Index to quantify research output by measuring author productivity and impact.
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Example: a scientist with an H-Index of 37 has 37 papers cited at least 37 times. The h-index is unable to differentiate between active and inactive scientists, and is biased towards productive researchers in detriment of selective ones. The h-index is also relatively insensitive to highly cited papers. What is H – index ? ‘H’ stands for Hirsch index as it was proposed by the J.E. Hirsch in 2005. The h-index is defined as the author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and the citation impact of the publication of the scientist or the scholar.

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4. The h-index may be less useful in some disciplines, particularly some areas of the humanities. For further assistance in this process, please Ask a Librarian or call 303-497-8559. This material is based upon work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric The h-index is a measure of the number of publications published (productivity), as well as how often they are cited. h-index = the number of publications with a citation number greater than or equal to h. For example, 15 publications cited 15 times or more, is a h-index of 15. Appropriate use cases: The h-index has been used as evidence of the scholarly influence of an author’s, or group of authors’, body of work.

H index in Google Scholar database. In Google Scholar, you can get a researcher’s h-index score in three ways.First, if you know the researcher’s name, you can enter it in the Advanced Setting section to find him and see his profile. H-index baserat på citeringar i Google Scholar kan fås fram på två sätt:.