En video om #Gamergate där en Gamer besvarar Social


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Secondly, the developers are mainly putting on their straight faces and condemning it, because they know if they step out of line, they'll receive bad press. Mostly it'll affect the indie crowd. Gamergate es el nombre dado a una campaña de ciberacoso a través del uso del hashtag #GamerGate que tuvo lugar a partir del año 2014 en plataformas tales como Reddit, 4chan o 8chan. Se utiliza como un término general para denominar tanto la controversia, como la campaña de hostigamiento, como al movimiento que surgió alrededor. A partir de agosto de 2014, los partidarios del Gamergate atacaron a varias mujeres en la industria de los videojuegos, incluidas las desarrolladoras KotakuInAction is the main hub for GamerGate on Reddit and welcomes discussion of community, industry and media issues in gaming and broader nerd culture including science fiction and comics. 125k Members What is #Gamergate? "#GamerGate" is an online movement ostensibly concerned with ethics in game journalism and with protecting the "gamer" identity.


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Il Gamergate fu una controversa campagna di molestie organizzata soprattutto tramite l'uso dell'omonimo hashtag #Gamergate. Essa fu incentrata sul sessismo e l'anti- progressismo nella cultura dei videogiochi . Gamergate was an online movement primarily comprised of gamers, dedicated on its surface to preserving ethics in video game journalism. Due to the actions of some members of the movement, it’s often linked to misogyny within the gaming community. 2014-10-14 · The only guide to Gamergate you will ever need to read. Gamergate, the freewheeling catastrophe/social movement/misdirected lynchmob that has, since August, trapped wide swaths of the Internet in Här samlar vi alla artiklar om Gamergate.

Gamers till attack! Quinnspiracy och Gamergate i P3 Spel 13

Quinnspiracy och Gamergate i P3 Spel. Play • 1 hr 3 min.. I veckans P3 Spel petar vi på en öm punkt i spelkulturen, nämligen  v #GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Black Edition.


GamerGate : gender perspectives on social media European




Gamergate is used as a blanket term for the controversy as well as for the harassment campaign and actions of those participating in it. Yes: The #Gamergate movement was born—borrowing a hashtag coined by conservative Firefly actor Adam Baldwin—in response to this widespread repudiation of the term "gamer" and the scummy layer Still, Gamergate was arguably a watershed moment and learning experience for many future Trump supporters. As a movement, it showed the trend toward systematized online harassment and increased Gamergate was originally coined by Firefly actor Adam Baldwin as a hashtag, #GamerGate. It was created on August 27, 2014, in response to a controversy involving the game Depression Quest, developed by Zoë Quinn.
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GamerGate refers to the online backlash against perceived breaches of journalistic integrity on video game news sites that came to light in the wake of the "Quinnspiracy," a precursory controversy surrounding indie game developer Zoe Quinn's alleged affairs with a number of men working in the video game industry, including Kotaku staff writer Nathan Grayson. #GamerGate has evolved to voice outrage on several things: Corruption in gaming journalism and competitions, and the resulting demand for disclosure and ethics reform.

A gamergate is a mated worker ant that can reproduce sexually, i.e., lay fertilized eggs that will develop as females. Gamergates are restricted to taxa where the  14 Jan 2015 In an effort to reprogram the video gaming industry, many outspoken critics have faced horrifying backlash and threats.
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"– Gamergate är en rörelse som säger sig... - Support your

I spåren av den kontroversiella nätrörelsen Gamergate: Nu reagerar den svenska spelbranschen på sexismen. Ett internationellt jämställdhetsprojekt, genusmärkning av spel och nytt Det som gör #Gamergate intressant är att den egentligen pekar på ett mycket större problem än bara speljournalister. SvD:s artikel ett rejält bottennapp. Under veckan som gått har flera svenska tidningar gått till frontalangrepp mot #Gamergate. Senaste dagen har åtminstone tre artiklar publicerats varav två debattartiklar här och här. GamerGate.

Wikipodden - Avsnitt 14 - Sexuellt Aktiva Påvar & Gamergate

I det förra numret av MfÅA intervjuade vi  Jag hade ett tema för ett tag sedan på både twitter och på min facebook sida med fokus på #Gamergate.

Gamers criticized the game’s simplicity and its departure from standard gaming formats, and people claimed the game didn’t A word used to describe the events following on from an otherwise minor scandal, where rumors that a games journalist had a relationship with a developer that he hadn't disclosed during his coverage were met with a series of articles from across the specialized gaming press, in an apparent attempt to demonize their own readership, coordinated behind the scenes on a secret mailing list. GamerGate refuses to die. Last week, the New York Times published a collection of articles commemorating the infamous gaming event that took the world by storm in 2014. “August Never Ends,” wrote GamerGate’s progenitor and catalyst, Zoe Quinn, one year after the event. Gamergate Gamergate Part 01 of 01. Vault Links: FOIA Home. Vault Home.